

 パウエルが提出した証拠は驚くに足りない。証拠の捏造は今時常識であり、特に米 国はおびただしい証拠を捏造した歴史をもっている。CIAとFBIからは、ブッシュ政権 の路線にはついていけないという声が聞かれる。元CIAテロ対策責任者のヴィンセン ト・カニストラーロ氏は、諜報機関の任務は事実を伝えること で権力者が望んでいる話を伝えることではない、政府はテネ ットCIA長官更迭のためのキャンペーンを張っていると言っている。

 AFP電によれば、ブッシュ政権は説得力に乏しい証拠を無理に膨らませて、アルカ イダとのつながりを感じさせる部分だけを誇張している。こうして無理にアルカイダ とイラクを結びつけようとしたために、政権内部に亀裂が生じている。ウォルフォウ ィッツ国防副長官と国家安全保障会議のスティーヴン・ハードリー副補佐官がその最 右翼。これに対し、国務省、CIA、FBIは、結び付きの立証は困難と主張し、対立して いる。


(パウエルの演説くは青い幕を背にして行われましたが、あれは、国連が背後にあるピカソの「ゲルニカ」を覆ったのだそうで す。そのと き、ニューヨーク国連本部の玄関には、ゲルニカのコピーを掲げた市民団体が抗議に 来ていたそうで・・パウエルさんはあの発表の前に、自分の提出する証拠は説得力は ないが、と言っていました。 ベトナム戦争のとき、戦争の立案者だっ たはずのロバート・ストレンジ・マクナマラ国防長官が戦争を批判して辞任しました が、パウエルさんが同じことをしないとも限りません。今すぐ辞任なさればいい のに・・・)


-- Posted by Henrietta Bowman on 1:24 pm on Feb. 6, 2003

Colin Powell made his case at the U.N. and unsurprisingly, I found it less than impressive. Most of his report was a rehash. As to satellite images and tapes, technical abilities to manipulate both are readily available and our government has an extensive history of fabricating "evidence."

Both American and British intelligence agencies are being pressured to come up with links to Saddam and bin Laden.

Vincent Cannistraro, a former CIA chief of counter-terrrorism, says the Bush administration is putting fierce pressure on the CIA to produce evidence about the Iraq al-Qaeda link that it doesn't have.

"They are not getting it from the CIA because the CIA, to its credit, is telling it the way they see it, which is what they should be doing, describing the world as it is, not as policy-makers wish it to be, or hope it to be, but as it is."

"They are politicizing intelligence, no question about it," said Cannistraro, "And they are undertaking a campaign to get George Tenet [the director of central intelligence] fired because they can't get him to say what they want on Iraq."

CIA, FBI split on Iraq-al-Qaeda ties

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The White House's efforts to build a case for war against Iraq by linking it to the al-Qaeda terror network have split the country's state intelligence agencies, the New York Times reported on Sunday.

Several analysts at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have complained that the US administration had overblown scant evidence linking Iraq with al-Qaeda, the paper quoted officials as saying. Some CIA analysts have complained that senior administration officials have exaggerated the significance of some intelligence reports about Iraq, particularly about its possible links to terrorism, in order to strengthen their political argument for war, the report quoted officials as saying.

At the FBI, several investigators said they were "baffled" by the White House's "insistence on a solid link between Iraq and Osama bin Laden's network," the report, based on interviews with administration officials, said.

"We've been looking at this hard for more than a year and you know what, we just don't think it's there," the report quoted a government official as saying.

The report of friction within the intelligence agencies comes as Secretary of State Colin Powell prepares to go before the United Nations on Wednesday to offer new evidence that Iraq is not disarming. The drive to link Iraq with the terrorist network, blamed for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, has driven a wedge between, on the one side, the Pentagon and the National Security Council and, on the other, the CIA and to some degree the State Department and agencies like the FBI, the report said.

Deputy Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Deputy National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley were cited during interviews as being "most eager to interpret evidence deemed murky by intelligence officials to show a clearer picture of Iraq's involvement in illicit weapons and terrorism".
